Take advantage of the summer weather and explore Leeds with the Leeds Owl Trail. Grab yourselves the trail map and let it guide you around Leeds and discover the city’s owls, they will tell you more about the beautiful architecture and rich history of Leeds.
There are two trails, the Civic Owl Trail, which focuses on the buildings around Leeds Civic Hall, and the Grand Owl Trail, which stretches across the city centre. Whether you complete it in a day or check off new owls with every visit the trail is perfect for those who want to get to know the city or want to shake up their shopping trip.
But why does Leeds have so many owls? It’s all down to Sir John Savile, the first Alderman of Leeds, he created Leeds coat-of-arms, it originally consisted of three silver owls on a sash but more details were added (such as the fleece and stars) over the centuries until it became the Coat-of-Arms we have today. No one knows why Savile included the owls, perhaps there was symbolism behind it or perhaps he just really liked owls.
More information about the trail can be found on the Leeds Owl Trail website